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Writer's pictureJo Hyde

Pew Leaflet for Sunday 15 December 2024

Advent 3 Year C

Ryde Plurality

The Churches of Holy Cross Binstead

and St Peter’s Havenstreet

Holy Cross, Binstead

St Peter’s, Havenstreet (


A very warm welcome to all worshipping with us today. At the Communion services those who are confirmed and those who normally receive Communion in their own church (whatever denomination) are invited to receive Communion. All are welcome to receive a blessing.

Sunday Readings

Zephaniah 3: 14-end,

Philippians 4: 4-7,

Luke 3: 7-18

Prayer for Advent 3

Loving God, as we contemplate the teaching of John the Baptist on our Advent journey, Give us courage to be faithful and to “bear fruits worthy of repentance” until your promises are fulfilled. Help us to look forward in hope to the coming of our Saviour. May we live as he taught, ready to welcome him with burning love and faith.


Prayer for all places of conflict

Lord, we pray for the people of Ukraine, the Middle East and all places of conflict; give them a sense of hope in their situation. May they strengthen each other and receive the love and nourishment they deserve. We pray that peaceful resolutions may be found, and that they will all know the love of Jesus Christ.


Prayer for the victims of natural disasters

God of compassion, hear our prayers for those who are affected by natural disasters:

strengthen them in their hour of need, and grant them courage to face the future,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Prayer for the sick

We pray for those who are sick and who ask for our prayers: Marian, Mark and Debbie, Mike, Joan C, Emma, Madge, Tim, Arthur, Russell and Janette. (We also remember silently in our hearts: Heather; Jackie; Ann; Dave; Daisy; Brenda; Monica; Hester, Kerry, Izabel, John, Paul).

Rest in peace

We pray for those who have died recently, and for their families at this sad time.

In Memoriam

June Cathery Nears, Edward John Bartlett, Lilian Doris Ansell, Robert Steven Pettinger, Leonard Frank Vallender, Stephen Mason Chaloner, Christopher Mark Neill, John and Muriel Bousfield, Glad Rees, Alfie Patrick Skipper.


The Week Ahead

Friday 20 December


Morning Prayer (Holy Cross)

Saturday 21 December


3C’s Coffee Morning (Holy Cross)

Sunday 22 December


Holy Communion (Holy Cross)


Morning Prayer (Holy Cross)


Holy Communion (St Peter)


Readings and Carols (Binstead Methodist Church)

Future Dates

Monday 23 December


Wedding rehearsal (Holy Cross)

Tuesday 24 December


Carols by Candlelight (Holy Cross)


Carols by Candlelight (St Peter)


Holy Communion (Holy Cross)

Wednesday 25 December


Holy Communion (Holy Cross)

Friday 27 December


Zoom Advent Group

Saturday 28 December


Wedding (Holy Cross)

Local Care Homes Carol Services

Care Homes that are visited regularly have asked for a Carol Service, and these have been arranged as follows.

Hazel Lodge, Havenstreet, Monday 16 December at 11.00, and Northbrooke, Havenstreet, Thursday 19 December at 14.15. It would be wonderful if some of you could join us and add your voices to swell the sound. For more information please contact Jane Calderin (07484328640) for these two homes.

St Peter’s Church Christmas Tree Festival

Contact Sally Exell on 01983 884175 or for full details.

A special “Thank You”

I would like to thank all those who attended my commissioning service as an Anna Chaplain on Monday, and those who sent kind messages of encouragement. I feel very supported. A special thank you to those who arranged it and to those who provided such delicious refreshments. God bless you all, Jane

Editor: Barbara Edwards – or 01983 242906.

Copy Date: Thursday midday.

Church Diary: If you have any queries or additional dates for the Church Diary, please contact Barbara.

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