Mission Action Plan for the Parishes of Binstead and HavenstreetÂ
Mission Action Plan for the Parishes of Binstead and Havenstreet
(based on the work of the North-East Wight Feasibility Study)
Our Vision
To be a church that is growing in the depth of our spiritual and prayer life, in the impact that we inspire in the community, and in the number of committed disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Mission Statement
To reveal God’s love in our lives, in our church and in the community.
Our Strategy for achieving our vision by working to make our mission statement a reality will have three main strands
(i) To reveal God’s love more evidently in our lives and to promote growth in the depth of our spiritual and prayer life we will-
(a) Place increased emphasis on developing personal growth through small groups meeting for prayer, bible study, learning about our faith, discussion, etc
(b) Promote Quiet Days and talks about Prayer and Spirituality to allow time for guided reflection and prayer
(c) Promote habit of daily bible reading and reflection using either BRF booklets or apps [either BRF’s ‘New Daylight’ or CofE’s ‘Reflections’]
(d) Continue to arrange Lent and Advent courses
(e) Ensure worship, preaching and teaching promote personal growth
(f) Seek feedback from congregations via questionnaire.
(ii) To reveal God’s love more evidently in our church congregation and to be a community in which more people wish to participate we will-
(a) Ensure all visitors receive a warm and inclusive welcome
(b) Continue to develop our pastoral care and support programmes, including more use of the email prayer link and telephone contact lists
(c) When possible, resume ‘food and fellowship’ ministry.
(d) Develop more social activities that bring the congregation together to enjoy each other’s company, eg lunches and suppers, film nights, book clubs, BBQs, talks, etc
(iii) To reveal God’s love in the wider community and to increase the impact that we inspire in that community we will-
(a) Continue our work in Binstead School and the local care homes
(b) Improve our website presence.
(c) Continue regular features in the Fishbourne Newsletter and consider how we can improve communication in Havenstreet and Binstead (village newsletters?)
(d) Develop closer links with the local councillors, scouts and guides, Methodist and RC churches
(e) Engage more evidently with those working to alleviate hardship in the community, eg Rotary, Street Pastors, etc
(f) Continue Transforming Lives for Good (TLG) coaching in Ryde schools in collaboration with St John’s Ryde.
(g) Promote social activities that will appeal to the wider community (as well as fund-raising), eg jazz concerts, Friends’ activities, talks on local history [emphasise the long history and the coastal path location of Holy Cross and the village nature of St Peter’s]
(h) Work towards achieving eco-church accreditation
(i) Collaborate closely with the Ryde parishes to enhance our combined impact in the community.
[Version adopted by the PCCs at Binstead on 10th January 2022 and at Havenstreet on 20th January 2022]